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Sh’Bam and Love Collide

Love. We do incredible things for love. The love for family and friends is a driving force in our lives. This love allows us to put everyone else’s needs in front of our own. We are often the last person on our list because of this driving factor, love. To love oneself is to be seen as selfish or narcissistic. Well, this is a love story. The story of how I feel in love with myself.

I became a client at MOVE! back in 2007. I began in the Pilates Studio following the birth of my only child. I had long been battling with myself. You could say I was my own biggest frienemy. In the Pilates Studio, I began to reconnect with myself, push myself, quiet my mind to hear my own breath.

It was during this time that MOVE! was also experiencing some expanding with the opening of the Group Fitness Studio. This is where I took my first Body Jam class and where my love affair with myself would begin. Consequently, another love affair in my life was ending, my marriage. It was unexpected and hard. I found myself at 30 years old, a single mother to an 18 month old little girl. How was I going to precede, how was I going to teach her about love when I didn’t love myself?

I found myself in Aaron Ellis’ Body Jam class moving to the beat. The beat was an escape. I had always loved dance and was a competition cheerleader growing up. The beat, much like a heartbeat, became my guiding force. For the first time in months I smiled. I smiled when I dropped my booty and I even began to like my booty. What??? We had been fierce enemies for all these years, and now I loved my booty. This love continued to grow and spread to other parts of my body, most importantly my mind. Move! became my sanctuary and the more classes I tried: Body Flow, Spin, and Body Pump, the greater I liked myself.

Aaron and Kurt noticed this growth and approached me to become a certified trainer for Les Mills’ latest cardio-dance program, SH’BAM. ME? Could I really put that microphone on and lead a group fitness class? Through tons of practice and support from my fellow Body Jammers (Debbi Dolce and Michelle Jerry), I became a trainer and SH’BAM became my new love. I LOVE seeing the happiness on my participants face when they have left their conscious mind and just let the beat take over. I LOVE the PARTY atmosphere that SH’BAM allows its participants to feel. I LOVE the beat, the breath, and the girl that it allows me to fall in love with every week. Come to SH’BAM and fall in love with the most important person, YOURSELF!


cardio dance love sh'bam move! trainer les mills party fun

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